Inspiration – If You Look, You’ll Find It.

Two people helping each other climb a mountain.

Often when we hear the term “Relationship†we think of people who are dating.  However, the term relationship has a broader scope. Relationship is defined as the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected. It is more than just the romantic or platonic bond between people.

Recently I’ve noticed that I have been speaking with people about a similar topic. As I’ve mentioned before, working at Healing Arts has afforded me a front row seat to the running theme of what the world is going through and how it’s often similar for all of us. As we go through our journey of growth and evolution, our bonds with people also shift and evolve. Whether romantic or platonic, relationships start to feel different as we evolve. You may notice that friends start to act distant, at times upset with you or that your partner has started to feel different. People come in and out of our lives as we need them. They come to help us or teach us something that we need to learn. There is no way of telling how long a person will be in your life and this is a hard concept to understand. When a person comes into your life and you learn the needed lesson quickly, then they move on. This type of change is understandable. Its not until a person comes into your life and sticks around for years, or even decades, and then one day you have a fall out and go in separate directions. That’s when people start to question everything. It’s painful, but we must see the bigger picture. They were with us when we really needed them. When they move away, it’s like losing your safety net.  It’s scary and uncomfortable at first but we adapt and get better.

Recently I had someone who I hold near and dear to my heart make their way back into my life out of nowhere. Quickly we both realized it was meant to happen. If you had told me at the beginning of our relationship that there would be a break where we would have to go through our own journeys and eventually make it back 2 years later, I would have absolutely hated that idea. I wouldn’t have done any of the things I needed to do because I would have just sat around waiting. Now that I’m a little bit older and just a tad bit wiser, I can see that 2 years isn’t that long of a time. I still hate the idea of a friend leaving and having to wait that long to see them again but when I just go with the flow of life, it’s not that bad. As we continue our journey, life will give us what we need to grow, if we don’t learn from it, it will continue to give us the same thing over and over.  So next time you notice someone close is starting to move away and onward in their life, don’t be sad. If they start lashing out at you for your movement forward, don’t get mad. Be happy that either you or they are moving in a direction that is needed. What a beautiful opportunity to work on being happy, not only for your growth, but everyone else’s. Make sure to tell someone you love them!  I love you all.

Rimi Inti