Inspiration – If You Look, You’ll Find It.
New Beginnings

2024-03 New Beginnings Pic by Angelica.

March is the time for new beginnings. We have the Spring Equinox on March 19th bringing in fresh, new energy for 2024! This is the perfect time to awaken from our winter months and step out into the warmth of new beginnings. 

Something to keep in mind as we begin our new journey…

We’ve been in the mindset that in order to create more success or bigger changes in our life, we need to DO more and try HARDER. We get into the mode of pushing forward even at the expense of our energy and happiness. Thinking that the only way forward is by taking on more in our lives and schedules. These choices and decisions that are made bring us further and further out of alignment in our mind, body, and hearts. And by living from this space, the days and months fly by without you being able to enjoy the present moment. 

 Remember, our lives are molded and shaped through our intentions. Where we focus our energy, how we speak,  where our emotions are, and what we BELIEVE to be true, IS what creates our perception of our realities. 

As you begin this new journey of 2024, think about where you have been putting your focus. Because where our attention goes, our energy flows. And where our energy is… we are creating either consciously or unconsciously. 

Are you creating from your past experiences by replaying them over and over again? Are you focusing on what you don’t want to happen? 


Are you envisioning who you are becoming? Are you envisioning what you are consciously bringing into your life and allowing yourself to feel gratitude for the experiences of your journey? 

Happy sun and happy new start to our 2024, may it be full of joy and blessings!
