Inspiration – If You Look, You’ll Find It.

2024-09 September Pic2

Dear Gentle Reader,

Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November. All the rest have thirty-one…

September signals a subtle yet significant shift in our surroundings. The intense heat of summer begins to fade, replaced by cooler mornings and the first hints of autumn. The days gradually grow shorter, and the golden hour—when the sun casts its warm, amber glow—becomes more pronounced, painting everything in rich, autumnal hues.

This transition is more than just a change in temperature; it’s a sensory experience. The crispness in the air, the rustling of leaves as they start to fall, and the smell of wood smoke from the first fires lit in anticipation of the colder months all contribute to a feeling of renewal. It’s as if nature itself is taking a deep breath, preparing for the quiet, reflective period that lies ahead.

Do you Remember, the 21st night of September?

As the landscape changes, so do our routines. We start to gravitate towards comfort—warm blankets, cozy sweaters, and hearty meals. The transition also brings with it a sense of anticipation for the festivities and traditions of the fall season. From apple picking to pumpkin carving, September invites us to embrace the simple pleasures of life, making it a month rich with possibilities and moments of quiet joy. I myself fancy the crunch of the fallen leaves under my step. I seek them out on every walk I take.

So, as we move through September, let’s take a moment to appreciate the beauty of this season of change. Whether you’re enjoying the vibrant colors of the foliage, feeling the cool breeze on your face, or simply taking a moment to breathe in the fresh, crisp air.

September reminds us that change is a natural and beautiful part of life. Nature has given us such a beautiful moment to help us transition gently into the next cycle of the season. How will you take time for yourself to enjoy these moments? What is something you are looking forward to? The year may be getting close to the end, but the month is brand new. Let’s seize the ample time we have. Don’t forget to tell somebody you love them. I love you all!

Rimi Inti