Inspiration – If You Look, You’ll Find It.
The Month Of Maia

2024-5 Inspiration - The Month of Maia PIC by Rimi.docx

It is believed that the month of May is named after the Roman Goddess Maia, the goddess of fertility. Maia watched over the plants and vegetation as they grew. Which is a beautiful reminder that now is the time to start sowing the seeds of the projects we wish to see bloom during the summer.

Similar to resolutions we make for the new year, we are quick to implement changes that are short lived. Mother Nature has a beautiful system in place to allow the cycle of life to happen. However, we prefer to move through life at a pace that doesn’t align with nature. We are taught the full moon only lasts one night, but Grandmother moon can be appreciated as a full moon for 3 days.

The cycles of life need time to unfold and shouldn’t be rushed. Let’s say you always wanted to run a marathon. One does not simply walk into Mordor, I mean, one does not simply wake up the next morning and start running a marathon. You have to start little by little. The first step is learning to add walking into your day. You do this for a week or so then the following week you add more distance. Little by little you work your way up to jogging, then long distance jogging until finally you are practicing marathon distances. The same thing must be done when you decide to change things in your life.

As we welcome the gentle caress of springtime, we must follow Mother Nature’s lead, we must follow the beautiful system she has created for all of us. Before we plant seeds, we must germinate them, then little by little we care and nurture them. We provide everything they need in order for them to grow and bloom. So, let’s look at the seeds of change you are planting. Are you giving yourself enough time? Are you giving yourself enough nurturing? Be kind to yourself and allow things to grow naturally, not by force! This spring, let us all just start with our first step. Being Gentle. Then let’s see how beautifully we grow. Be sure to tell someone you love them!

I love you all!

Rimi Inti