Inspiration – If You Look, You’ll Find It.
The Medicine Of New Beginnings

2024-04 The Medicine of new beginnings PIC

As we slowly leave winter and come into spring, we are quickly met with a second winter. As Midwesterners we all know about Fake Spring and how it comes in for a week or so before winter returns. Yet every time it happens, we are shaken.

This is my very first spring with many new beginnings. The first being, I’m officially a father! Cue the Aladdin soundtrack “It’s a whole new world” which is now stuck in all of our heads. So many people have congratulated me, my wife, and our precious new baby girl. Along with those congratulations, we also received a lot of words of wisdom and advice.

One in particular rings true right now as I am writing. It’s a whole new experience which no one could have prepared me. They were absolutely right. No words can be used in any particular order that explains everything about being a parent. Yes, I can tell you all about how the lack of sleep takes its toll, but I can also explain how much stronger we have become because of it. The emotions that fill do exist out there, but they are so difficult to convey to each other. You really can’t understand it until you’ve experienced it yourself.

That got me thinking though. As we exit winter….again…. We are granted the gift of rebirth from Mother Earth. A chance at a new beginning. I have written about butterfly medicine and the different stages of transformation and how they coincide with the seasons. I have written about many animals actually. Today I just want to talk about us. As humans, moving forward in life. We are slowly coming out of the cold and into the warmth. The sun is closer to earth now and slowly breathes life into all of us. Awakening us from our slumber and giving us the ability to move and be more active outdoors. Mother moon shines brighter in the night sky allowing us to be out later during the evening hours. I cannot explain to you how this new beginning feels, just as I cannot understand how it’s going to feel to you. All I know is that we should embrace it, enjoy it, and live to our fullest potential.

Spring is around the corner and I for one am excited for my new journeys to begin. I hope you all have a lovely spring and that we get to see all of your beautiful faces outside in the sunshine. As a first-time father, time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana! Don’t forget to tell someone you love them! I love you all!

Rimi Inti