Inspiration – If You Look, You’ll Find It.
The Dance Of Shadows And Light

2024-7 The Dance of shadows and light PIC

Dear Gentle Readers,

The summer solstice has come and gone, oh what a fleeting moment. Little by little we begin to lose daylight, however we are still in the middle of summer and have plenty of sunny days ahead.

This time of year, with abundant daylight and enchanting full moons, reminds us of the simple joys and wonders that often get lost in the hustle and bustle of adult life. One such delight is the whimsical pastime of chasing shadows – a childhood game that connects us to the rhythms of nature and our own playful spirits.

Have you ever paused to watch shadows dance on a sunny day? As children, we would dart and weave, trying to catch our elusive silhouettes. This playful pursuit, while seemingly simple, is a celebration of light and dark, of movement and stillness. It’s a reminder that life, like shadows, is always shifting, and that joy can be found in the most unexpected places.

Recently while driving around with my family, we saw a huge dark shadow approach us. We were parked at a forest preserve and even though it was only a split second, it was spooky. We were enthralled and laughed out loud at how it had such a mesmerizing affect on us.

Later that week we were driving home from work and the shadows cast by the clouds ran along our side and over us. In my mind I thought “How fun is this, I’m playing with the clouds, we are racing!” My inner child came to the surface and that was such a great feeling.  So great in fact that I wanted to share it. So I turned to my wife and said “Look, I’m racing the shadows!” she smiled in a way that told me she understood. Both of our inner child smiled as we held hands.

The magic doesn’t end with the day. The summer nights bring full moons that cast their own silvery shadows. These nights are perfect for moonlit strolls, where you can chase the softer, gentler shadows created by the moon. Walking under the full moon, with the world bathed in its ethereal glow, can be a meditative experience, connecting us to the natural cycles and the quieter side of our playful nature. Let’s allow our imaginations to run wild once more like we used to when we were children. Don’t forget to tell someone you love them. I love you all!

Rimi Inti