Inspiration – If You Look, You’ll Find It.
Strength In Gentleness

2024-08 Strength In Gentleness PIC

Dear Gentle Reader,

July has drifted into slumber, and now August has awoken to shine brightly for the year. As we bask in the glow of summer’s last embrace, it is fitting to turn our attention to reflections on all we have accomplished during these long daylight hours.

Personally, I find myself working a lot more but also being able to spend more time outdoors. When I look back at the summer, I see most of my time was spent teaching and seeing clients. I do wish I spent more time outdoors, but there were still many beautiful lessons learned.

A few newsletters ago I wrote about discovering that there is a certain strength in being gentle and my healing sessions reflected that perspective. This time however, I have learned a different perspective in that gentleness. You see healing begins before the session even begins. It actually begins the day the person calls to set up the appointment. Everything begins to fall into place and kicks off a chain reaction in a Rube Goldberg machine type fashion.

When a client comes in, I meet them at the front desk and greet them with a smile and salutation. That alone is key to establishing what the session is going to be like. A somber face or monotonous hello can quickly alter the session’s trajectory. When flying by plane, being off by just one degree will result in a one-mile difference in trajectory. The more I reflected the more I noticed that there were times when my intuition strongly guided me to my animal medicine cards for a reading session even though the client had requested a healing session. And even when we start with an animal medicine card reading followed by a healing session, it struck me that the information that comes through the cards, the messages, the medicine from the animals are in fact, healing. Yes, I know readings can be very helpful but I’ve never quite seen it like this before. I’ve never seen the strength of healing through words of guidance and enlightenment. When one is lost, being able to see options and paths forward brings an immense relief.

I loved taking this time to reflect on my summer and the new things I’ve learned on my path as a healer. I hope you, gentle reader, will also take some time to reflect on your experiences and the little things that made a difference. Not all great things are as loud and visible as a beautiful party in the evening. Really take the time to look at the small details.

While August signals the end of summer, it also heralds new beginnings. As we have learned from the Medicine Wheel. One cycle needs to end, for a new one to begin. The east may represent spring and new beginnings, but new beginnings happen every day of the year so we must not limit our view. Before the start of a new beginning, let’s reflect on what has passed so that we may move forward positively. Be sure to tell someone you love them. I love you all.

Rimi Inti