Reach 2025 Upcoming Events 794x1080

Upcoming Events - 2 Month View

Don't Miss These Workshops & Events

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Phone: 630-937-4094
Booking Site:      BOOK HERE
Upcoming Small-Feb (6)

Date: February 22, 2025

Reiki Level 1 Practicum
Instructor: Christina

This is a Reiki Practicum available for students who completed the Reiki Level 1 Class. Participation in 8 hours of Reiki Practicums is required to complete the Level 1 certification.

Fee $100

Time:  10am - 2pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A reiki poster with hands and wings

February 22, 2025

Cacao Ceremony
Lead by:  Angelica or Gina

A Cacao Ceremony is an opportunity to connect with and open your heart. People often feel an increased connection with emotions like empathy, compassion, forgiveness, and self-love. It can be a meditative aid that deepens focus during meditative and spiritual practices. Cacao is a personal experience that is different for everyone.

Drinking ceremonial cacao is an energetic and spiritual experience that helps nourish and ground you. It serves as a tangible tool that can be used alongside other inner work. Whether you are looking to deepen your understanding of who you are, release old patterns and traumas, or move into a more self-confident space, cacao allows you the insight and awareness to move towards that goal and aids in transformational shifts. 

Time:  11:30am - 1pm

Fee: $45 per class

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A collage of photos with the words cacao ceremony

Date: March 15, 2025

Advanced Reiki Practicum
Instructor: Christina

This is an Advanced Reiki Practicum for students who completed the Advanced Level Reiki Class. Participation in 8 hours of Reiki Practicums is required to complete the Advanced Reiki Level certification.

Fee $100

Time:  10am - 2pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A reiki poster with hands and wings

March 22, 2025

Cacao Ceremony
Lead by:  Angelica or Gina

A Cacao Ceremony is an opportunity to connect with and open your heart. People often feel an increased connection with emotions like empathy, compassion, forgiveness, and self-love. It can be a meditative aid that deepens focus during meditative and spiritual practices. Cacao is a personal experience that is different for everyone.

Drinking ceremonial cacao is an energetic and spiritual experience that helps nourish and ground you. It serves as a tangible tool that can be used alongside other inner work. Whether you are looking to deepen your understanding of who you are, release old patterns and traumas, or move into a more self-confident space, cacao allows you the insight and awareness to move towards that goal and aids in transformational shifts. 

Time:  11:30am - 1pm

Fee: $45 per class

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A collage of photos with the words cacao ceremony

Date: March 22, 2025

Drum Making
Instructor:  Rodrigo

Drums are a part of native traditions in cultures all over the world.  In this workshop you’ll make a single head drum that is crafted using a wooden frame, rawhide and lacing. The back is laced to form the symbol of a medicine wheel with the four cardinal directions that also serves as a hand hold.

Additionally Rodrigo will teach you how to bless and care for your drum so it can be used as a sound healing tool in the Shamanic Tradition.  These make wonderful, one of a kind gifts.

Fee: $50 plus material Fees
Time: 1pm - 5pm

Materials must be confirmed by March 1, 2025
Please provide a first and second hide choice

Register by calling 630-937-4094


A table with some information about the different types of drums.

Date: March 30, 2025

Animal Tarot Intensive
Presented by Rodrigo

This offering of the Animal Tarot Workshops is a 1 Day, 8 hour class

The class teaches you how to use animal medicine types as a divination and spiritual tool. Each animal species has their own unique medicine. Students will learn the messages imparted by each of the 52 animals in the Medicine Cards.

Students will also learn techniques that will allow them to develop their own arsenal of spreads and how to use the Animal Tarot Deck for queries on physical health, emotions and spirituality.

Armed with the knowledge of Animal Medicine and different reading techniques, students are then taught techniques that allow them to work progressions. Progressions are used to peek into the future and see the different alternative paths available to any individual. Progressions are also a basic and fun way to do Prophecies. Students will also learn how to do health related consultations.

Fee $375
Time:  9am - 5pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A poster with three different animals on it.

Date: April 4, 2025

Gong Meditation
With Rodrigo

The Gong Meditation is sound healing at its best. The deep resonating sounds of the Gong produce vibrations that take us into a deep statue of relaxation, allow us to release tension and stress and silences the internal dialogue that keeps us from releasing our emotional patterns.

Allow your body to regain its harmony and natural rhythm as you experience a healing journey through sound.

Time: 7pm - 8pm

Fee:   $25

To Register

Call 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A gold colored gong with the words " gong meditation " written above it.

Date: April 12, 2025

Full Moon Ceremony
Lead By: Rodrigo

April’s full moon is known as the Pink Moon The pink moon is named after the soft pink wildflowers that bloom in early spring. This full moon focuses on transformation, renewal, and personal resolve. It encourages us to embrace change, growth and strength as we move forward on our journeys.

Each Full Moon brings it's own unique energy and symbolism. The energy of the Full Moon facilitates the release of patterns, behaviors and limiting beliefs you no longer need in your life. The energy of the Full Moon amplifies spiritual energies, providing a powerful opportunity for introspection and manifestation.

Fee:      $50
Time:    7pm - 8:30pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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1215 Full Moon In Gemini

Date: April 19, 2025

Group Detox Foot Bath
Presented by JR

A Detox Foot Bath releases cellular waste & reduces inflammation!

Great adjunct to any weight loss, detox or fitness program.
What is your body ready to release?

We make Happy Feet (and healthier bodies)

Sessions at 12 pm
                      1 pm
                      2 pm
                      3 pm
                      4 pm

Please provide a session choice when registering

Fee: $40

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A group of people that are sitting in some water.

Date: April 27, 2025

Awaken The Healer
Instructor:  Rodrigo

Have you ever wonder if you have what it takes to be a healer?

Come and find out.

In this workshop you'll learn:

  • About Human Energies and how they correlate to Divine and Earth Energies
  • How to activate, grow and master your healing energy
  • Self-healing and healing others
  • How to practice unconditional healing.

Fee: $375
Time: 9am - 5pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A poster with instructions for an energy healing workshop.

Date: May 17, 2025

White Witchery

Instructor:  Rodrigo

This intriguing workshop provides students with a series of ancient techniques, geared toward neutralization and reversal of negative energies. As well as techniques to enhance the individual’s own protection field.
Students will learn:
  • A healing process and techniques to assist individuals who have been impacted by negative energies.
  • Rituals for gathering and focusing energy. This allows students to practice collaborative distance healing. Students will learn and practice how to free an individual from past relationships, freeing them to move forward.
  • Techniques based on the 4 basic elements of life: Earth, Water, Fire an Air.
Additionally we'll delve deeper into the use of seals and filters for various life circumstances including protection and healing work.
Fee: $375
Time:   9am - 5pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A poster with instructions for an energy workshop.

Date: May 17, 2025

Reiki Level 1 Course
Instructor: Christina

​This course is a catalyst for personal development, consciousness and healing. The goal of this class is to introduce the student to the Reiki healing system. The emphasis is on creating a clear understanding of Reiki and its applications. The class includes a history of Reiki, receiving attunements and instruction on how to give treatments. There will be time allowed for practice.

​Upon completion the student will be able to administer a complete Reiki treatment to themselves and others. This is a 6 hour class and students will receive a certificate upon completion.

Fee $185

Time:  10am - 5pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A reiki poster with hands and wings


Date: January 4, 2025

The Secrets To Manifestation
Instructor:  Angelica

This manifestation workshop will teach participants how to harness the power of intention, visualization, and mindset to attract their goals and desires. Through guided exercises, meditation, and practical tools, attendees will learn how to align their mindset and energy with their aspirations. By the end of the workshop, participants feel empowered to create positive changes in their lives using manifestation techniques.

Time:  10am to 1pm

Cost:   $111 

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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Manifestation Reach

Date: January 26, 2025

Sacred Geometry
Instructor:  Rodrigo
Time: 9am - 5pm

This is a 1 Day Intensive, 8 hour class, that covers all three levels of Sacred Geometry. 

All Ancient Cultures around the world have used some form of Sacred Geometry knowledge to build their cities, temples and Sacred spaces.

Learning the basis of Sacred geometry allows you to create mandalas, build crystal grids and altars, create personal sacred spaces and protection fields.

Crystal grids and mandalas can assist us or our loved ones in various areas of daily living:
• Enhance health
• Improve finances
• Reach emotional balance
• Improve relationships
• Help with job search

Students learn the secret meaning of basic geometric shapes. The geometric shapes combined with principles of technical drawing allow students to create personalized Mandalas which are beautiful, useful, and powerful.

Using the basic concepts of Sacred Geometry, students will learn to create and build grids using various elements including crystals, stones, flowers, etc.

Additionally students will be taught the art of Evolving Grids. These are complex grids that allow students to steer energy in a given direction in a progressive fashion.

Fee: $375 per class

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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1-26-25 Sacred Geometry

Date: December 21, 2024

Andean Shamanic Cleanse To Welcome The Winter Solstice
Lead by:  Rodrigo

This ancient ritual comes from a remote area of the Ecuadorian Andes. The ritual is practiced by the "Taiticus" (Shamans) in the mountains of South America to clean the energy fields as well as reset the emotional and ethereal bodies of it's participants. Using principles of Sacred Geometry the Taiticu builds an altar (grid) made of crystals, stones and flowers. The energy emanating from the altar works to loosen the participants emotional and energy blockages. When the altar is completed, the Shaman performs an individual cleansing on all the participants using herbs, flowers, and a shamanic mixture used to reset the emotional and ethereal bodies.


The Andean Group Sisai will be playing throughout the ceremony. Their music will take you on a journey through Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Sisai proudly conveys its unique, indigenous culture through song, legend, language. Traditional wind instruments such as the quena (reed flute), zamponas (pan flute), rondador and antara are hand crafted by the members. The percussion is created by the energy of the bombo, one of the many traditional South American drums. The string instruments include the guitar, violin and mandolin as well as an instrument native to Bolivia the charango. 


Participants are asked to bring:

  • 1 Orange (fruit)
  • 5 White Flowers
  • 5 Red Flowers


Time:  5pm - 7pm

Fee: $100


Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A collage of different photos with various people sitting around.

Date: February 9, 2025

Harmony In Love: The Magic Of Sacred Geometry
In Relationships (Crystal Grids)
Instructor: Rodrigo

We all need love in our lives. Love from our families, friends, partner and ourselves. You can use Sacred Geometry Crystal Grids to manifest love in your live, to attract your soulmate, increase the love between you and your partner, have more love of self and others or to bring balance into your relationships.

Materials for workshop are included in Price.

Time:   10am - 12pm

Cost:  $90

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A swan is swimming in the water with its wings spread.

Date: October 12, 2024

Introduction To Ayurveda
Instructor:  Rodrigo

Ayurveda is considered the Science of Life. It’s an ancient tradition with approximately 5000 years of history. Ayurveda can be seen as a guide to a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. From a health perspective, it can be seen as holistic preventive approach to health and from a spiritual perspective as a philosophy for real wellbeing In this introductory class, you will get an overview of Ayurveda and how this knowledge can help you lead a healthier life.

Time:  5pm to 6pm

Cost:   Free  

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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10-12 Intro Ayurveda

Date: October 20, 2024

Shamanic Apprenticeship Level 1 Intensive
Instructor:  Rimi

The Shamanic Apprenticeship Course Series was created to share and preserve the Shamanic Principles inherited from Shamans (Medicine Men, Taitas  and Pacos) in the traditions of the Americas.

 In Level1 Students will learn:

  • Journeying
  • Reading techniques
  • Healing techniques
  • How to use Shamanic tools

These techniques can be used for healing work on others as well as for self-balance, harmony, and protection.

This is a hands-on class. You will have an opportunity to practice everything you learn in the class so you can fully integrate what you've learned into your personal practice.

This is an Intensive, 8 Hour Class that covers level 1 in one day.

Time:  9am to 5pm

Cost:   $400 

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A poster with the words shamanic apprenticeship on it.

Date: October 13, 2024

Foraging 101:  Fall Wild Foods and Medicine
Instructor:  Andrea

A wild food and medicine foraging class in the field with herbalist Andrea Marcinkus.  Learn to identify and how to use a diverse array of summer edible plants, trees, mushrooms, and herbs while gaining insights into their nutritional, medicinal, energetic, & spiritual properties. This immersive experience will equip you with the knowledge & skills to safely and sustainably gather wild foods.

Fee:  $65

Time: 9am -12pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A poster with wild food and herbs on it.

Date: October 26, 2024

Meet Your Spirit Guides
Instructor:  Angelica

In the “Meet your Spirit Guides Workshop,” participants will explore and learn techniques to connect with their personal guides through meditation, visualization, and intuitive practices. The workshop offers a supportive space to deepen your spiritual connection, gain insights, and receive guidance for your life journey. Whether you're new to the practice or seeking to enhance your skills, this workshop provides tools to nurture ongoing relationships with your spirit guides.

Time:  10am to 1:30pm

Cost:   $111 

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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Meet Your Spirit Guides

Date: October 11, 2024

Sugar Skull Workshop
Instructor:  Lucy

Everyone will learn to prepare Mexican sugar skulls from scratch. We will work the sugar to the perfect level of moisture to set our molds. Then we will  prepare the royal icing that we'll use to glue our sugar mold pieces together. Lastly, we'll create fun vibrant icing colors to personalize our skulls in class. We WILL get messy. Wear clothes that you don't mind staining. Everyone will personalize, and take home, two completed sugar skulls plus at least one to complete at home the next day. 

Time:  6pm to 9pm

Cost:   $100 

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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Learn to make Sugar Skulls from scratch

Date: July & August Dates

Shamanic Underworld Journey
With Rodrigo

The Shamanic Underworld Journey is a technique that was developed by Rodrigo to allow you to be fully embraced by Mother Earth.

This technique assists in releasing old traumas, experiencing real grounding, regaining self-confidence and/or letting go of old patterns.

The earth serves to filter and facilitate the release process much like a poultice. For this reason, you will be lying in the ground, covered with earth. Your nose and mouth will be exposed so you can breathe normally.

Rodrigo will guide you through this journey. Based on what he sees/senses during the session he will incorporate symbols, sigils and other designs into the earth above your body to provide the needed energy. The session takes place within a pyramid structure to incorporate Pyramid Power which promotes health and tissue regeneration.


DATES:       July 19,  July 24,  July 25,  July 29
                   August 31  (more dates to come)

Cost:  $250


Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A series of pictures showing the different stages of shamanic underworld journey.

Date: August 17, 2024

Reiki Advanced Level Class
With Christina

The Reiki Advanced Level Class is for students wishing to expand and deepen their knowledge and skills.Expanding on the Reiki 2 teachings, students receive additional attunements  as well as more techniques and teachings tofurther their abilities to channel and work with Reiki healing energy. 

This is a 6 hour class and students will receive a certificate upon completion.

In addition to this a 6 hour Advanced Level Class, students must participate in 4 Practicums that will be scheduled after the 6 hour class. The Practicums are 2 hours each and allow students to receive additional coaching and further refine their Reiki skills.

Fee $185

Time:  10am - 5pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A reiki poster with hands and wings

Date: June 15, 2024

Intuitive Mediumship Level 1 Course
Instructor: Angelica

For those who are opening up & receiving guidance from angels & loved ones. These classes will focus on the structure of connecting & receiving clear messages from spirit as you continue to strengthen your mediumship abilities.

This course has 6 classes that meet on Saturdays, starting on June 15, 2024

Classes meet from 1pm to 3pm

Each class is $75

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A white poster with some words and pictures

Date: June 21, 2024

Full Moon Summer Solstice Ceremony

Lead By:  Angelica & Gina

This June's Strawberry Moon is special as it is a Solstice Full Moon. For the first time since 1985, the Full Moon happens on the summer solstice, when the Sun is at it's highest point.
The time of the Full Moon is an auspicious time for releasing, purging, ridding oneself of emotions, patterns & behaviors that are no longer beneficial in our lives.
This ceremony will mark your inner transformation as you release emotional & physical pain, hurtful relationships, addictions, fear or limiting beliefs and use the energy of the Summer Solstice to set your intent for the next steps in your journey.
Fee: $50
Time:   7pm - 8:30pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

(follow Class Link and scroll to the class date to see event)

A sun with the words london summer solstice center written above it.

Date: June 22, 2024

Crafting Incense: Healing, Aesthetics, and Ceremony
Instructor: Andrea

Join us for an immersive one-day intensive workshop dedicated to the craft of incense making. This hands-on experience will take you on a journey through the theory, materials, techniques, and practical application of creating incense in several forms and gain insights into its historical significance and modern-day uses.

Learning to craft your own incense not only enables personalized blends aligned with individual preferences and intentions but also grants the empowering ability to control the ingredients, ensuring awareness and understanding of the specific elements used in the aromatic creation, fostering a deeper connection with plant allies and promoting holistic well-being.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Materials and Crafting Techniques: Explore an array of raw materials integral to incense making, including resins, herbs, woods, and essential oils, each possessing unique healing qualities. Gain hands-on experience in crafting both cone and stick incense.
  • Practical Application in Healing Rituals: Understand the significance of incense in healing rituals and daily practices. Explore its role in creating sacred spaces, fostering emotional wellness, and supporting overall holistic health through the infusion of plant-based healing energies.
  • Personalized Healing Blends: Craft your own bespoke incense blends during the workshop, infused with healing scents to support relaxation, mental clarity, or emotional harmony.

Cost:  $375

Time:  10am - 4pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A bowl of incense with smoke coming out it.

Date: June 30, 2024

Earth Medicine
Instructor: Rodrigo

Come and learn ancient healing techniques using the Mother of us all...Earth. This medicine has been available to us since time immemorial. To this day people around the world continue to preserve and use Earth Medicine.

In this workshop, you will learn multiple hands-on Earth Medicine therapies (as used by our ancestors to treat illness) including how to work with dirt, mud applications, stone therapy and herb therapy. Along with stress and trauma release techniques.

This is an 7 hour workshop. This workshop is not held at Healing Arts, location will be provided at time of registration.

Cost:  $375

Time:  9am - 5pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A collage of photos with the words earth medicine in the middle.

Date: June 15, 2024

Shamanic Apprenticeship Level1

The ShamanicApprenticeship Course Series was created to share and preserve the ShamanicPrinciples inherited from Shamans (Medicine Men, Taitas  and Pacos) in the traditions of the Americas.

 In Level1 Students will learn:

  • Journeying
  • Reading techniques
  • Healing techniques
  • How to use Shamanic tools

These techniques can be used for healing work on others as well as for self-balance, harmony, and protection.

This is a hands-on class. You will have an opportunityto practice everything you learn in the class so you can fully integrate whatyou've learned into your personal practice.

Classes meets 3 times a month for a 2-hour class.

Time:  10am to 512m

Cost:   $50 per class

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

(follow Class Link and scroll to the class date to see event)

A poster with the words shamanic apprenticeship on it.




Cusco, Sacsayhuaman, Kenko, Puka Pukara, Sacred Valley, Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu, Wirakocha Temple, Puno, Aramu Muro, Lake Titicaca, Taquile Island, Luquina Chico Peninsula and Uros Floating Islands.  Boliva: Tiwanaku and Puma Punku.


Registration By March 30, 2024 Locks In Price
Price may increase after March 30th

Includes all lodging, transportation, entrance tickets and some meals inside Peru. It does not include International Airfare.



A poster with people and text about shamans

Date: March 22, 2024

Psychic Mediumship Level 3 Course
Instructor: Angelica

Level 3 is for anyone who has completed level 2 and is ready to delve deeper into their gifts and further define their mediumship techniques and skills.

This is a six class course that meets on Fridays from 6pm to 8pm.

Cost:  $75

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

(follow Class Link and scroll to the class date to see event)

A purple background with the words psychic mediumship level 3.

Date: March 3, 2024

Herbalism Foundations - Herbalism 101
Instructor: Andrea

Herbalism 101 is an immersive six-week course, designed to introduce participants to the foundational principles and practices of western herbal medicine. Throughout this comprehensive program, students will delve into the rich world of herbalism, exploring the identification, preparation, and application of medicinal plants for holistic health and wellness. We will address the physical, energetic, and spiritual properites of the plant allies. The course combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on experiences, empowering participants to cultivate a deeper understanding of herbal remedies and their practical applications in everyday life.

Course Format:

  • Each 2 hour class will include lectures, discussions, hands-on activities, and/or practical demonstrations.
  • Students will get to take home samples of herbs and examples of the herbal preparations made in the class.
  • Students must commit to the entire series and attend all six classes.
  • Two payment options - Pay per class, $75 the day of class or prepay $450 for the series of 6 classes

Learning Objectives:
Jan. 21 - Class 1: Introduction to Herbalism
Feb. 4 - Class 2: Herbal Actions and Properties
Feb. 18 - Class 3: Herbal Preparations: Infusions and Tinctures
Feb. 25 - Class 4: Herbal Preparations: Oil Infusions and Salves
Mar. 3 - Class 5: Herbal Formulations & Remedies for Specific Systems
Mar. 10 - Class 6: Holistic Approach to Herbalism

Fee: $75 per class
Time:   10am - 12pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A green background with a white circle and some plants

Date: January 28, 2024

Shamanic Apprenticeship Level1 Intensive

The ShamanicApprenticeship Course Series was created to share and preserve the ShamanicPrinciples inherited from Shamans (Medicine Men, Taitas  and Pacos) in the traditions of the Americas.

 In Level1 Students will learn:

  • Journeying
  •  Reading techniques
  •  Healing techniques
  • How to use Shamanic tools

These techniques can be used for healing work on othersas well as for self-balance, harmony, and protection.

This is a hands-on class. You will have an opportunityto practice everything you learn in the class so you can fully integrate whatyou've learned into your personal practice.

This is an intensive 8-hourclass that covers the same content as the 8 class session series. Aftercompleting the 8-hour Intensive, students are able to start the Level 2 ClassSeries that meets 3 times a month for a 2-hour class.

Time:  9am to 5pm

Cost:   $400

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

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A poster with the words shamanic apprenticeship on it.

Date: January 13, 2024

Self-Clearing Techniques
Instructor: Rodrigo

This workshop is targeted for Massage Therapists, Reiki practitioners, Energy Workers, and individuals with heightened sensitivity (Empaths), as well as professionals who work in stressful environments (Psychotherapists, Counselors, Customer Service,etc.)

You’ll learn:

  • How energy works and how our interaction with others impacts that energy
  • How energetic contamination occurs (i.e. bad luck) and how to deal with, as well asprevent contamination
  • Different methods of self-Cleansing and self-clearing

You’ll also get to practice those techniques under the supervision and guidance of your instructor.

Time:   3pm to 5pm

Cost:   $75

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

(follow Class Link and scroll to the class date to see event)

A feather in a shell on top of a blue and purple background.

Date: December 22, 2023

Andean Shamanic Ceremony To Welcome Winter Solstice
Led by Rodrigo

This ancient ritual comes from a remote area of the Ecuadorian Andes. The ritual is practiced by the "Taiticus" (Shamans) in the mountains of South America to clean the energy fields as well as reset the emotional and ethereal bodies of it's participants.

Time: 7pm - 8:30pm
Fee:  $100

To Register

Call 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

(follow Class Link and scroll to the class date to see event)

A collage of different photos with various people sitting around.

Date: October 14, 2023

Introduction To Herbal Remedies

This introductory course will show you how to harness the healing power of nature through the creation of herbal remedies from summer plants with herbalist and healer, Andrea Marcinkus. Through this hands-on class, participants will learn essential techniques to create several therapeutic products including teas, tinctures, and oil infusions. Discover the incredible potential of our plant allies.

Fee:  $95

Time: 10am - 1pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

(follow Class Link and scroll to the class date to see event)

A green background with the words herbal remedies written in it.

Date: October 14, 2023

Psychic Mediumship, Level 1
Presented by Angelica

For those who are opening up & receiving guidance from angels & loved ones. These classes will focus on the structure of connecting & receiving clear messages from spirit as you continue to strengthen your mediumship abilities.

This course has 6 classes that meet at 2pm on Saturdays in October and November:
1st Class - October 14
2nd Class - October 28, Prerequiste - all previous classes
3rd Class - November 4, Prerequiste - all previous classes
4th Class - November 11, Prerequiste - all previous classes
5th Class - November 18, Prerequiste - all previous classes
6th Class - November 25, Prerequiste - all previous classes

Each class is $75

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

(follow Class Link and scroll to the class date to see event)

A purple sky with clouds and stars in the background.

Date: October 6, 2023

Psychic Mediumship, Level 2
Presented by Angelica

In this course will dive into deepening our intuitive abilities. We will cover:

  • The Self-Work needed to expand your abilities
  • The structure of connecting and receiving messages
  • The technique for giving full readings

This course has 6 classes that meet at 6:30pm on Fridays in October and November. 

Each class is $75

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

(follow Class Link and scroll to the class date to see event)

A poster with the words " psychic course ".

Date: September 9, 2023

Reiki Level 2 Class
Led by Christina

This course is a catalyst for personal development, consciousness and healing. Reiki 2 builds upon the principles and skills that were learned in level 1 and the practicums. Students will be attuned to the first 3 Reiki symbols and learn how to apply them in different situations.

Fee: $185

Time: 10am - 5pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

(follow Class Link and scroll to the class date to see event)

A reiki poster with hands and wings

Date: July 29, 2023

Awaken The Healer In You (Intensive)
Led by Rodrigo

Since the beginning of creation, humans were blessed with gift of self-healing and the capacity to assist and heal others. Our modern lifestyles have atrophied those capacities. This series was created to assist you in “Remembering” those capacities.

In this workshop series you’ll learn:

  • About Human Energies and how they correlate to Divine and Earth Energies
  • How to activate, grow and master your healing energy
  • Self-healing and healing others
  • How to practice unconditional healing

We will cover both theory and hands-on practice.


Fee: $375
Time: 10am - 6pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

(follow Class Link and scroll to the class date to see event)


A person holding their hands open with a purple flower in the center.

Date: June 24, 2023

DIY Organic Florida Water

In this workshop you'll learn how to make your own organic Florida Water. All materials provided. 

Florida Water can be used to energetically cleanse yourself, your home, your tools and crystals. It can be:
- Used in your usual floor cleaner to wash away negative energy
- Used as perfume for protection
- Used to refresh your altar
- and so much more.

Fee:  Workshop $25,  Materials $15

Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

(follow Class Link and scroll to the class date to see event)

A picture of the florida water project with instructions.

Date: June 4, 2023

Psychic Mediumship, Level 2
Presented by Angelica

In level 2 we will continue our practice, diving deeper into communicating and receiving messages from loved ones and guides. Bring oracle/tarot cards if you like, we will begin to receive guided messages for clients from their teams in addition to full readings. Level 2 is composed of 3 classes.

This is a three week course that meets on:

1st Class -      June 4, 2023 10am - Noon
2nd Class -    June 11, 2023 10am - Noon Prerequiste: 1st Class
3rd Class 3 -  June 18 10am - Noon Prerequiste: 1st & 2nd Class

Fee: $75 per class
All classes must be taken in sequence


Register by calling 630-937-4094


Booking Site:      BOOK HERE

(follow Class Link and scroll to the class date to see event)

A purple heart with the words psychic mediumship course written on it.

Date: June 25, 2023

Oness Fest
Friday, June 23rd - Sunday, June 25th

Good Templar Park in Geneva, IL

Join us at the Oneness Fest on June 25th.

We will be offering workshops on Sunday, June 25th

Time       Workshop Name                                        Lead By
11am      Animal Tarot Gallery Reading                  Rodrigo
12pm     The Power Of Breath                                 Rimi
1pm       Introduction To Psychic Mediumship     Angelica
2pm       Animal Tarot Gallery Reading                  Rodrigo
3pm       Shamanic Group Healing                          Rodrigo

See Event Details at:  Oneness Fest

Oneness Fest 2023_Flyer

Date: April 29, 2023

White Witchery Intensive
Presented by Rodrigo

This is a 1 Day Intensive for White Witchery that covers all three levels. This is an 8 hour class This intriguing workshop provides students with a series of ancient techniques, geared toward neutralization and reversal of negative energies. As well as techniques to enhance the individual’s own protection field. Students will learn: - A healing process and techniques to assist individuals who have been impacted by dark energies. - Rituals for gathering and focusing energy. This allows students to practice collaborative distance healing. Students will learn and practice how to free an individual from past relationships, freeing them to move forward. - Techniques based on the 4 basic elements of life: Earth, Water, Fire an Air. Additionally we'll delve deeper into the use of seals and filters for various life circumstances including protection and healing work.


Fee: $375 Registration required.


RSVP at 630-937-4094 or at

A woman is standing in the middle of three moons.

Date: April 16 , 2023

Reiki Guided Meditation
Presented by Christina Conde, RMT

You may know or have experienced the benefits of meditation but... 

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique working with the body’s own energy system to promote relaxation and stress reduction.

Reiki is becoming more widely accepted and is now recommended as a complimentary therapy to many traditional plans of care. It is currently offered in hospitals to help support cancer patients as they follow their plan of care. It is also are commended modality for survivors of trauma such as domestic violence.  Reiki has been known to assist the body’s natural healing process, reduce tension and pain and bring about a feeling of peaceful, well-being.

In this Session

You will be guided through visualizations designed to promote relaxation all the while receiving Reiki energy from the practitioner.

Fee: $20
Time: 1pm - 2pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094
or at:

Date: February 26, 2023

Shamanic Apprenticeship - Level 1
Presented by Rodrigo and Rimi


The Level 1 Shamanic Apprenticeship course has 11 classes.  Class are on Sunday Morning from 10am to 12pm.  Classes are limited to 3 per month and are 2 hours each class.


Fee: $50  Per Class
Times:  10am - 12pm

Register by calling 630-937-4094
or at:

A poster with the words shamanic apprenticeship.

Date: January 8, 2023

The Heart Of Compassion Meditation
Led by Marianne Knox

Now is the time to build a world of greater happiness, unity, respect, compassion and peace, but to do so you need to have a strong root in compassion for self and all of humanity.

If you're ready to explore how to include compassion in your life join us for this meditation.

Time: 11am - Noon

Register by calling 630-937-4094
or at:

A poster with the words " second-a sage of compassion " written in it.

Date: November 20, 2022

Join Us On Sunday, November 20, 2022 for a day of Healing & Mystic Market Readers Day.

We will have a wonderful group of Healers offering Healing Sessions including:

  • Shamanic Healing
  • Limpia (Egg Cleanse)

As well as a wonderful group of Readers offering a variety of readings including:

  • Intuitive Readings
  • Intuitive Handwriting
  • Numerology
  • Palm Reading
  • Tarot

Healing Sessions - $25 for 20 minutes
Readings - $30 for two 15 minute Readings

The time for Healing Sessions can be reserved. 
Call us at 630-937-4094 to reserve your spot.


Mystic Market Readers Day is a fundraiser for  Sacred Space Animal Sanctuary and Rescue

A flyer for the day of healing and mystic market readers day.

Date: October 29, 2022

Healing Dolls Workshop
Led by Rimi

In this workshop, you'll learn how to make and use Healing Dolls for different purposes including:

  • Healing
  • Empowering
  • Protection

for self or others.

Fee: $50
Time: 10am - Noon

Register by calling 630-937-4094
or at:



A blue and white banner with the words " healing dolls workshop " written in front of some purple paint.




Cusco, Sacsayhuaman, Kenko, Mismanay, Sacred Valley, Moray, 011antaytambo, Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu including visit to Huayna Picchu, Pisac Complex and Pisac Market.


$2250 DOUBLE OCCUPANCY Registration By March 15, 2020 Locks In Price

Includes all lodging, transportation, entrance tickets medical insurance and some meals inside Peru. It does not include International Airfare.


Trip Dates: August 26, 2020 to September 1, 2020

Plan on arriving in Lima on Wednesday, August 26, 2020. Preferably between 11am and 11pm. Your return flight should be scheduled in the late afternoon on Tuesday, September 1, 2020. No earlier than 3pm.

A group of people sitting around a fire pit.
A man sitting on the ground with food in front of him.


  • $2,250.00 Per Person - Double Occupancy (excludes International airfare)
  • $2,489.00 Per Person - Single Occupancy (excludes International airfare)

Program Includes

  • Hotels (Price based on double occupancy. Additional cost for single occupancy)
  • All transfers airport/hotel/airport via private service
  • All tours with entrance fees and professional English-speaking guides.
  • Round trip train ride to Machu Picchu in VISTADOME (Superior category)
  • Flight tickets inside Peru.
  • All taxes.
  • Max Expenses = USD 2,000.00
A view of some mountains with many different types of buildings.
A group of people standing in front of an open field.
  • Assist Card (includes Medical Assistance)
  • Up to 2 Dr visits at office or hotel plus prescriptions.
  • Emergency room and hospital admission up to USD 1,000
  • Prescription up to USD 300.00
  • Dental assistance up to USD 100.00
  • Medical Transport to Lima within Peru up to USD 700.00
  • Lost luggage localization assistance
  • Assistance in case of lost/stolen documents
  • Treatment of existing conditions, illnesses are excluded from this coverage.

Minimum Group Size Requirement

This trip requires a minimum group size of 10 (ten), if this number is not met, we reserve the right to either cancel or re-schedule the trip. Should we decide to cancel the trip, all collected payments will be refunded to the participants (International Airfare not included). It is advised to wait for group size to be confirmed before purchasing International Airfare.

To reserve a spot call Healing Arts Metaphysical Center at (630) 937-4094

Registration and 30% payment by March 15, 2020 to guarantee the advertised price

Registration after March 15, 2020 may incur additional charges.

A view of some mountains with many different types of buildings.
A red sign with a black line across it.

Not Included

International airfare from and to your country of origin.