Inspiration – If You Look, You’ll Find It.
Summer Sun

2024-6 Inspiration - Summer Sun PIC by Rimi.docx

June marks the beginning of summer, and with it, comes the summer solstice. Occurring around June 21st, this solstice marks the longest day of the year when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. This day has been celebrated for centuries at ancient stone circles like Stonehenge, where people gathered to honor the sun, to modern-day festivals filled with music, dance, and communal joy.

In many ancient cultures, the summer solstice held deep spiritual significance. The Egyptian pyramids, for example, align with the solstice sunrise, reflecting their reverence for the sun god Ra. The Great Pyramid of Giza, in particular, precisely align the corners with cardinal directions, demonstrating a sophisticated understanding of solar and celestial cycles. Similarly, the ancient Mayans built their pyramids, such as El Castillo at Chichen Itza, to catch the first rays of the solstice sun, demonstrating their intricate understanding of astronomy and their devotion to the sun. During the solstice, the play of light and shadow creates the illusion of a serpent slithering down the pyramid’s steps, symbolizing the descent of the feathered serpent god Kukulkan.

This astronomical event is more than just a date on the calendar. It symbolizes the height of summer, a time of abundance, growth, and light. The summer solstice invites us to appreciate the natural world, enjoy the extended daylight, and reflect on the warmth and energy that the sun brings into our lives. In many cultures, this day is also a time of renewal and reflection, as people come together to celebrate the life-giving power of the sun and its vital role in our ecosystems.

As we enjoy the extra hours of sunlight, it’s a perfect time to ponder the light in our own lives. Are we making the most of our “sunny” moments? Are we nurturing growth and warmth within ourselves and others? The summer solstice reminds us to embrace the energy of the season, to sow seeds of kindness and creativity, and to bask in the moments of joy and connection that the longer days afford us.

So, as the sun lingers a little longer in the sky, take a moment to consider. How can you bring a little more light into the world? Reflect on how you can illuminate your path and the paths of those around you, creating a ripple effect of positivity and warmth that lasts long after the solstice sun has set! Don’t forget to tell someone you love them. I love you all!